My pumping mamas, I see you. I see you getting tangled in wires. I see you cleaning and sanitizing your many pump pieces. I see you checking your refrigerator to make sure you have enough milk for the next bottle. I see you never leaving the house without a bag of accessories. I see you figuring out if purchasing the $400 wireless pump is worth it. I see you leaving the fun social setting to pump in the bathroom.
This is not the experience of breastfeeding we imagined. It’s more mechanical and requires a lot of forethought. Yet, here we are. And you know what? We are breastfeeding. Our babies are getting milk from our boobs that are working exactly how we need them to. We are breastfeeding moms!
I say “we” because I exclusively pumped for both my babies. After going down a dark hole of lactation consultant fear tactics, I let go of nursing for meals with my son and exclusively pumped for nine months. We eventually got “comfort” nursing and I know he was getting milk from my breast, but we never figured out “emptying” the breast.
When I would talk about “nursing” I felt like a fraud and like I had to explain that “yes, I was making breast milk” but “no, I wasn’t breastfeeding.” I was insecure when I pulled out the bottle I had worked hard to make and that is a shame. I wish I could hug first time mom Kelsey.
So now I emotionally and physically hug new moms as a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. I support milk supply, mood, sleep, and labor recovery for new mamas. I’m also a constant resource via email and text for my patients as they transition to motherhood. I love this space and appreciate that Chinese Medicine does such a great job helping women during this time.
So pumping mamas, I see. I feel you. And you’re doing a great job!