You took a pregnancy test and it was positive. So…now what?!? I have encountered this question often in the clinic and it is an honor to be a resource for my patients as an early pregnancy support. Here is some advice I give to help with the gap in care until their 7 week ultrasound:
✨Take your prenatal and fish oil everyday. It is often easier to stomach at night before bed. I would also recommend a review of all of their other supplements, and have them stop taking herbs.
✨Continue to exercise in the way your body is used to (unless a doctor has specifically flagged avoiding certain activities). Perceived exertion is more important than heart rate, but it is essential to avoid getting over heated. Pregnancy is not the time to sign up for your favorite hot yoga class.
✨Familiarize yourself with the foods you cannot eat. Avoid raw and unpasteurized foods. This can include honey, kombucha, and dairy products. No processed meats.
✨Limit caffeine. Try cutting down to one caffeinated drink per day if you typically have more than that.
✨Be mindful of pain relievers, prescribed medications and sleep aids you are taking. Run them by your Western doctor to get clearance.
✨Avoid hot tubs and saunas, especially in the first trimester. No overheating!
✨You can eat fish, but limit fish with high mercury levels like tuna and swordfish
✨Stay hydrated.
✨Prioritize sleep.
✨Eat healthy now before food aversions kick in. If that happens, aim for healthy snacking and pair your carbs with protein.
✨Book weekly acupuncture in the first trimester to help manage symptoms.
✨Remember that your OB/GYN is your primary doctor and I am an additional support. Their decision rules.
And most importantly,
✨Trust that your body is strong and knows what to do.
It is exhilarating to be one of the first people to hear the exciting news and I do not take being a part of this special inner circle for granted!